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Privacy Policy/ 個人情報の取り扱いについて

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

「いのちにやさしい物産店 レインボー(以下、当店と表記)」は、お客様の個人情報を適切に保護することが、社会的責務として重要と考え、プライバシーポリシーに基づいて、以下のとおり個人情報の保護、管理、運用、利用を徹底してまいります。

"Rainbow , Natural Grocery Store friendly life (or less, Our shop)", it is required to adequately protect your personal information, considered as important as a social responsibility, based on the privacy policy, protection of the following as personal information , management, operation, we will continue to thoroughly use.


The "personal information", your name, address, telephone number, E-Mail address, etc., to the information or your personal can identify you personally it means specific information.


When our shop to collect your personal information, you can in principle the registration of personal information by customer's intention.
If you do not wish to register personal information to our shop, by your own judgment, you will be able to reject the registration. In this case, you might not be available to our service.


Our shop, at the time of purchase in the shop and mail order, also the personal information of inquiry at the time from our web site, our administrators are strictly managed, unauthorized access to personal information, destruction, loss, damage , tampering, so that the risk of leakage, etc. does not occur, we take appropriate measures to prevent.

当店におけるご購入時、また当店のWEBサイトからのお問い合わせ時の個人情報に係わる個人情報の照会・訂正・削除・利用停止のご要請に対応いたします。 お客様ご本人の個人情報に関する照会・訂正・削除・利用停止をご希望の場合は、当店のお客様相談係に書面あるいは電子メールにより、その旨をご連絡ください。ご要請に対しては、お客様がご本人であることを確認の上、合理的な期間および範囲で開示、訂正または削除をいたします。もし、費用等発生する場合や照会・訂正・削除・利用停止に際し制限が発生する場合は、事前にご連絡いたします。

At the time of purchase in our shop, also will respond to the query, correction, deletion, suspension of your request personal information related to the inquiry at the time of personal information from our WEB site. If you wish to query, correction, deletion, suspension of personal information of the original purchaser who, in writing or e-mail to our customers consultation engagement, please contact us to that effect. For your request, on that you are a person in question of confirmation, disclosed in a reasonable period of time and scope, we will correct or delete. If the restrictions upon the case occur expenses or query, correction, deletion, suspension occurs, we will contact you in advance.


Our shop, in the web site, we use a technology called "Cookie".
"Cookie", is an industry standard technology for the web server to identify your computer. By changing your browser settings, although it is also possible to disable the "cookie", in that case, you may receive the part of the functions or services of our site will not be available.
In addition, our advertising has been posted on various sites on the Internet by third-party vendors, including the Google.


Third-party vendors, including the Google will use the Cookie, to deliver ads based on the past of the access information to our web site. Users can access the opt-out page of Google ads, you can disable the use of Cookie due to Google.


For the protection of your personal information in our non-corporate and personal web sites that are linked to our web page, but do not shop is responsible.


Our shop, in order to achieve a better protection of your personal information, or, with the change of Japanese laws and other regulations, so you may want to revise the "About handling of our personal information", regularly We recommend that you are check in.
Overall inquiries about our customer's personal information, you have heard in the following window.

Life-friendly Natural Grocery Store "Rainbow" customer service clerk
〒116-0013 東京都荒川区西日暮里2-21-1 MC88ビル1F
〒116-0013 Arakawa-ku, Tokyo Nishinippori 2-21-1 MC88 building 1F
電話 / Phone 03-3891-6540(平日10:00~17:00) Eメール / E-mail

お問い合わせ 電話 03-3891-6540 Open 10:00~17:00 Email
